Velvet Glove, Iron Fist: first review

Velvet Glove, Iron Fist: A History of Antismoking, which is officially published next week, has received its first review - in the Economist, no less. And it's a good review too: "In this solidly researched, interesting and only occasionally strident book, Christopher Snowdon, an independent researcher, documents the cigarette’s journey from patriotic necessity to pariah status."
Full review HERE. So far the comments (4) are all from anti-smokers. For example, "Once again, in its crusade for the liberal society, the Economist is blind to the tyranny of forcing others to inhale the poisonous stench of tobacco smoke." You might like to respond.
Christopher Snowdon will be signing copies of Velvet Glove, Iron Fist at Forest's 30th anniversary reception in London next Monday. Entry is free. If you would like to attend telephone 01223 270156 (office hours) or email

Reader Comments (1)
Will the book be available to buy at the event Simon?