MPs' second homes - a simple solution

Here's a simple solution to the question of MPs' second homes. Any MP with a constituency outside Greater London is entitled to a second home in London - but they have to rent a furnished property, and the size of the property (two, three or four bedrooms, for example) should be governed by the size of their family.
There will have to be an upper limit on the rental allowance. If any MP wants (or can afford) more luxurious accommodation, they should pay the additional cost themselves.
The advantage of this system is that MPs can neither profit from the sale of a property that has been "improved" at our expense, nor should they need to buy any furniture etc other than items that are strictly business-related (eg writing desk).
Just a thought.
Reader Comments (2)
Did you notice this link between the expenses brouhaha and a certain Baroness from Wednesday's Lords decision, Simon?
After the comment this morning on GMTV about politics only being for the rich, ie, the less well off not being able to afford to stand as an MP, means test their expenses. That way, if they earn above a certain amount and/or have savings above a certain amount, realistic amounts that is, they don't get expenses! Certainly not in the way they have been -after all, those of us that work don't get expenses for travelling, food, clothes, etc and most of us earn a darn sight less than these MPs!