Tobacco display ban: game on

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Report stage of the Health Bill in the House of Lords. There are so any amendments that Clauses 19 (tobacco display) and 20 (vending machines) will now be debated on 6 May. I am told that the Government is going to impose a three-line whip on Labour peers to vote for the measures, which suggests they are worried that they could lose.
The Tories, I understand, are going to whip their peers to vote against a point of sale display ban. The LibDems however are giving their peers a free vote so if you want to make a difference I suggest you target your energy in their direction - asap!
Forest is currently writing to peers of all parties (and none) ahead of next week's vote, and we have also placed our "Say NO to the nanny state" video (see Featured Video right) on Iain Dale's Diary where it will alternate with Iain's Daley Rant video until May 8.
Double-click on the video and you can leave a comment on YouTube. .
Reader Comments (8)
Have they read this one, Simon:
Christopher Morcom, QC said “Considering plain packaging” is one thing, but the conferring of the proposed legislative powers is quite another. No government should be given powers to legislate, such as the amendment contemplated, unless evidence justifying the exercise of those powers is brought forward and properly debated. The House of Lords should have none of it'.
Here is a question for the legal, eagles, would the law cover a newsagent affixing empty front covers of cigarette packets to a board, or an equivalent electronic board with facsimiles of the various brands and displaying it inside or possibly outside?
I have just heard the wonderful news that the government has been beaten on their stance against the Ghurkas.
This brought tears to my eyes as I realised that at long last the tyrants are being beaten, it proves as Joanna Lumley said, that the voice of the people can be heard and that governments will eventually have to listen.
She has done a marvellous job, and if she can do it, so can we!
Dave. Under Clause 19 shops cannot even display the price. It would be very difficult to buy cigarettes from a machine, if you cannot see the product or the price.
She has done a marvellous job, and if she can do it, so can we!
And she's a smoker!
Idlex said: "She has done a marvellous job, and if she can do it, so can we!
And she's a smoker!"
Brilliant - best get her on board then, and fast!
I think we need Joanna to be the spoke person for cigs, she is over 60, beutiful and a life long smoker. I have read her autbiography she is also very smart. Amd my I add she is also my dad's secret desire, has been since the New Avengers.