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Smokers linked with paedophiles

It was only a matter of time ... The Sydney Morning Herald reports that "People who smoke should be banned from working in the health system because it is akin to allowing convicted pedophiles to roam among children, a medical expert says."

Peter Beaumont, head of the Northern Territory branch of the Australian Medical Association, has lashed out at nicotine-addicted doctors and nurses, saying they should not be allowed to work with children or in indigenous communities.

"You wouldn't send pedophiles to work in an area where there were lots of children … so why shouldn't we limit people who have a very bad health habit? With everything else being equal, we should have a situation where a non-smoker should get the job over a smoker."

Full report HERE.

Strangely enough I welcome this story. The more the anti-smoking movement comes out with this type of comment, the easier it will be to combat their activities.

I'm tempted to invite Dr Beaumont to Britain where he can entertain the media and members of parliament with his views on smokers. Then again, the government might refuse him entry on the grounds that his comments could incite violence or hatred against someone or some group.

Still, he could always address us from the departure lounge at Heathrow ...

Reader Comments (9)

I agree that these sorts of comments only make the average man in the street think that the anti smoking brigade are going too far. However, it is not the man in the street who implements policy and things that people thought would never happen only a couple of years ago are now in place.

March 5, 2009 at 13:00 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Peoples

It's interesting to see how far they can go without being pulled up, but I haven't seen a sign of that yet from the media or any Government, but time will tell.

These sort of disgraceful comments show the desparate lengths they are now resorting to as it becomes very clear that they cannot stop people smoking. In fact in many ways they are fueling the desire to smoke, which was pretty obvious from the start. It's good to see them squirm, and utter contemptuous drivel that the majority of people will recognise as such, and hopefully see them as the lying criminals they really are.

March 5, 2009 at 13:11 | Unregistered CommenterZitori

I don't think they would refuse him entry. They encourage and welcome hatred towwards smokers

March 5, 2009 at 13:27 | Unregistered CommenterPat Nurse

This government, Pat, encourages hatred of all types, towards the British people in general, irrespective of whether they smoke, drink, or eat themselves silly. In New Labour's jaundiced view, we are British citizens, and are therefore guilty of racism, paedophilia, pollution of the planet, and child murder, to name but a few.

On the other hand, if one so happened to be a convicted terrorist, our ever caring, brain dead government would give us a house, free of charge, and all the benefits that go with it, for the rest of our stinking life.

How can we possibly read such verbal excrement as this, without associating the author with Nazism of the worst kind?

March 5, 2009 at 14:10 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Thurgood

@Pat Nurse, they were my thoughts entirely.

I once put a comment on an American anti smoking youtube contribution. I received a private message with a similar suggestion. I seem to remember it was about banning smoking in all open air public places. I was told that walking openly on a sidewalk smoking was like allowing paedophiles to go anywhere they like.

I was so disgusted that I did not even reply, I blocked the sender.

March 5, 2009 at 14:12 | Unregistered Commentertimbone

Half the people already working in the health service shouldnt be allowed work there including Dr Beaumont.
I wonder does he include doctors and nurses who partake of alchol or overweight doctors and nurses or those who suffer from one of many addictions.
Yes, all that can be done with Dr Beaumont is get him a job where he will have something useful to do rather than spreading nasty fanaticalism.

March 5, 2009 at 14:32 | Unregistered Commenterann

Australia's biggest drug problem is alcohol, so will they allow doctors who drink to treat people?

March 5, 2009 at 16:53 | Unregistered Commenterchas

Interesting to compare this to the experience of the home education community, who are currently undergoing a government inquiry to see if they require local authority monitoring because they may be covering up child abuse.

It's as if they think that by introducing children into the discussion, any kind of authoritarian action whatsoever is justified.

March 5, 2009 at 19:17 | Unregistered CommenterBishop Hill

Fascist Beaumont shows some classic "progressive" racism here as well. "Indigenous communities" [i.e. Aboriginals] are similar to children in needing special protection from the influence of smoking-medics, it seems.

Can't have the ignoramuses receiving mixed messages from on high now, can we?

March 6, 2009 at 3:57 | Unregistered CommenterBasil Brown

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