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Council leader cleared of Nazi jibe

Just fancy that! The Northants Evening Telegraph reports that:

A council leader comparing one of his opponents to a Nazi was just part of the "normal cut and thrust of politics", behaviour watchdogs have said.

The Standards Board for England, which maintains ethical standards among councillors, was called in to investigate Northamptonshire County Council leader Jim Harker (Con, Kettering Rural) after he compared the leader of the opposition at County Hall to Hitler's propaganda minster, Joseph Goebbels.

But following a month-long investigation, the organisation has said it will take no further action over the Nazi jibe.

Inspector Hazel Salisbury said: "Differences of opinion, and the defence of those opinions, through members' arguments and public debate are an essential part of the cut and thrust of politics. In a democracy, members of a public body should be able to publically express disagreement with each other."

I wonder what Jon Gaunt will have to say about that? Full story HERE.

See: Jon Gaunt sacked by TalkSport

PS. I was going to illustrate this post with a large swastika but I chickened out. You can't be too careful!!

Reader Comments (1)

'normal cut and thrust of politics' and cut and thrust on radio debates on policies. Where's the difference?

March 4, 2009 at 18:49 | Unregistered Commenterchas

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