Who runs Britain?

At risk of alienating any more readers, I was a guest last night at a dinner at the Dorchester Hotel in London. The speaker was Colin Myers, editor of the News of the World and formerly editor of the Daily Mirror. I can't repeat what was said - it was a private dinner - but there was an interesting exchange of views about who or what represents the "Establishment" these days.
Most people would agree, I think, that the Establishment has changed from what it was 30 or 40 years ago. The old boy's network is not what it was. The question is, who is running the country today? My own view is that we're being run by a left of centre "liberal" elite who dominate the universities, the media (the BBC in particular), and an increasingly politicised civil service.
I could go on but if you know differently, or have your own ideas, let's have a heated debate ...
Reader Comments (50)
Common Purpose by any chance? The organisations that you mention are riddled with their graduates.
"Common Purpose by any chance?"
By every chance, Mary. And they are fuelled by bogus science. See the thread "Driving me to drink" below, and note that Obama seems to have started an impenetrable fight back.
As for The Dorchester, Simon, a well loved venue for my paternal grandfather in the olden days. I dined with him there as a wide-eyed child.
Alienated readers should look again at a result of your lavish life-style amid the movers and shakers. It's all there in the Titchmarsh discussion. Loved the shirt, BTW.
You are still not my favourite person in the world, though, due to the amount of hard-written comments you have erased in the past. However, it IS your blog and I AM only a visitor.
Speaking of alienation Simon, does that include emails as well?
My own view is that the nutters have finally taken over the asylum. God help us all. I fail to see how any of them are "liberals" - unless the word has changed meaning since I was at school. Considering the word "freedom" has also lost it's orignal meaning, then I'm not surprised.
We were taught as children that Britain is great because unlike totalitarian regimes we have freedom of choice, freedom of thought, freedom of action and freedom of speech. It always stuck with me but I guess such views are completely radical now and modern kids have been indoctrinated to equate freedom with health as Orwell said they would be.
"At risk of alienating any more readers.." I do not think you need to apologise at all. Whether you are in politics, sales or business being socialble is part and parcel of your job. Being waited on hand and foot, having nice meals with stimulating conversation is the upside. Giving up your free time, travelling hither and tither, being avalable 24x 7, including weekends, not being with your family is the downside.
I worked over Christmas as I am doing business in the Middle East. My Muslim client respected my wishes not to be disturbed on Christmas Day and the Sunday as they were family days. Howver I was working Boxing day and often work on Saturdays and Sundays too. I fit in with him.
Also preparing for a public appearances which I have done on smoking, for radio and presentions in front of government ministers is hard work. Cue Dave, is the most terrifying experiences you will ever had. Mouth dry, mind goes blank and getting hello out is a challange. I helped in getting the G20 story published and was due to be on Radio5 before they pulled the story due to a lack of a second source. I was shall we say wound up.
Walking into a room, buttonholing people who you have not met or may not want to talk to you, even hostile, making conversation, making your point, trying to blag a meeting. It is not a comfortable experience.
Even in my correspondence with MPs you can feel the irritation and dislike of the subject sometimes.
Here we are all talking to the converted, out there the parties are nice but the welcome can be at best mixed on a good day.
The word Liberal has no meaning when it is connected with the present political parties.
True freedom of speech is now certainly a radical idea, and freedom of choice only exists within the boudaries they set, so of course that doesn't exist either. This incredible onslaught of lifestyle bullying, set by the smoking ban, will hopefully blow itself out, but I won't hold my breath.
Hundreds of millions are still being spent on anti-smoking propaganda,and the NHS strapped for cash, and causing thousands of needless deaths every year. This is the real result of Tobacco Control. It's huge grants and dead-end research. The waste is monumental, and is the true cause of senseless fatalities.This should be brought home to the media, Simon, when you have the opportunity. The true cost of this folly.
Einstein said 'you cannot solve a problem with the same conciousness that created it'. He knew a thing or two.
Who ru(I)ns Britain ?
For those who haven't yet read it - try Peter Oborne's 'The Triumph Of The Political Class'.
It pretty well tells you all you need to know !
'The Rise Of The Mediocracy' might have been a more apt title, though...............
Who runs Britain? Why the medical profession of course. More specifically Liam Donaldson at present. Funny that because when I last went to the polling station and put my cross on my ballot paper, I was voting for someone with common sense to represent me in the House of Commons not a finger wagging doctor who wants to ban or tax every last little thing which gives me any pleasure in life. My God life is becoming intolerable as it is with money in extremely short supply, wondering how I am going to pay bills with only four days work since last Christmas and being self employed no benefits, without the threat of my £1.99 bottle of Sambruzio being taxed at 50p per Unit (figure guesstimated out of thin air as person who invented alcohol units recently admitted).
When the smoking ban was first introduced I pointed out the implications of unemployment on this site and you don't need to be an economist or have a fancy degree to see what has happened. They banned smoking and emptied the pubs and clubs. The non smokers predictably did not fill the empty spaces so pubs closed meaning publicans and bar staff were made redundant. The closures affected the brewers as less beer is being sold hence fewer delivery drivers needed - more redundancies which means less people using the remaining pubs, which means more pubs closing and so on and on and on.
All this on phoney "advice" from "experts" i.e. the Medical profession. So who runs Britain?
We seriously need a revolution in this country. Just perhaps people are starting to wake up with the protests in Kent for British jobs for British workers but alas I fear it is too late to repair the damage and turn back the clock.
For an up-to-date labour party manifesto, please read mein kampf
Who runs Britain? Why the medical profession of course. More specifically Liam Donaldson at present. - Sylvia
Certainly seems that way. The man must be the biggest vote-loser the Labour party have ever had. You can almost hear the tramp of feet as people walk away.
All this on phoney "advice" from "experts" i.e. the Medical profession.
Or "climate scientists". I read a fascinating article a couple of days ago (which I highly recommend) about this Chinese mathematical prodigy, David X Li, who 10 or so years back produced an equation to assess risk in financial instruments like mortgages, and which swept the banking world, and resulted in risk assessment being far too optimistic. Only trouble was that it was, um, ...wrong. And it's left the banking system in ruins. Li has since gone back to China, and is unavailable for comment.
It's the same story again and again. Politicians, media, and most of the general public, get suckered by "experts" whose claims would be laughable if they weren't dressed up in mathematics. Who in their right mind would believe that environmental tobacco smoke in pubs is killing off the customers? Who in their right mind would imagine that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could result in runaway global warming? Who in their right mind would discount the possibility (as Li did) that people could all default on their mortgages simultaneously.
What's gone out the window has been common sense. It's been replaced by slavish deference to anyone who calls themselves a "scientist" and who can wave around the results of some computer simulation model which pretends to show that the accumulated wisdom of centuries is obsolete, and we must act now (and it is always NOW) to meet some imaginary threat.
The answer to the question "Who rules Britain?" is probably no-one. Or maybe just a herd of idiots thundering around wrecking things that were working perfectly well, but which they simply couldn't leave alone.
Who runs Britain? A bunch of highly-paid, power crazy, egotistical, politically correct numpties who, quite frankly, could not run a bath properly! That's who runs Britain.
Who runs Britain? It's certainly not the blithering idiots who rant and rave on this blog.
If any of you cared a jot about this country or our planet you would stub out your awful smelly fags straight away and start rejoicing in the true pleasures of life, the pleasures of the countryside, the greenery, and the smell of new born lambs.
But no, you want to stub out life as it should be and impose upon all our green brethren your awful smells and filth. I am pleased you do not like life as you have made it, it is your own fault and in the end it will be your own downfall.
impose upon all our green brethren your awful smells
Like the smell of new born lambs, eh? Yeurrgh!!
Jane Seedling, very amusing, and full of questions about your mental stability, but I do believe this is a joke. If not then it is you that needs help,
I love the pleasures of the countryside, the greenery, but actually prefer the smell of smoke to that of a new born lamb. To smoke AND to enjoy the pleasures of nature is unfortunately something you'll never know, along with being an open minded and tolerant individual. Shame.
Who runs Britain ?
Simple, anyone who can afford to buy a Political party.
Anyone who can afford to buy column inches.
Why crooks run Britain of course,
'Jane Seedling' - you are having a laugh, aren't you? You can't possibly be a real person making a serious comment....You've come over from ASH to have a bit of fun, I bet.
Yea ! Janes a bit of a bigoted nazi isn't she must be from ASH.
Tee-hee, you are funny Jane Seedling. Btw, tobacco is a plant. Does that make it green?
Lovely to see Miss Seedling back with us. Hope she's saved a few black polar bears. I was wondering only yesterday WHO is the real Charlie Reeves? Will the perpetrator please stand up and be counted - and congratulated! That was fun.
Regarding Common Purpose, I unwittingly went on one of their one-year Youth Leader Training and Assessment Courses once. Grisly! As well as the course home work, it included four residential weekends in a local Teacher Training College. We were split into four teams to compete with each other in mental and physical "games". Later, we learned that the games were rigged so that nobody could win. It was hot and stuffy and we weren't allowed outside. Physical violence was not frowned upon. The policemen were the worst. We were watched and assessed throughout for true leadership qualities. The prize was that we would get paid for the voluntary Youth Club work we were doing and those who showed outstanding Leadership qualities would be invited to attend the Common Purpose Training School in London. It was dog eat dog and the survival of the fittest - with no regard for common humanity. I refused to complete the course.
Now, I wonder whether the whole Common Purpose inner circle has started to implode. When so much is offered to so many by so many, it may have grown to an unmanageable mass of people now turning upon each other. .
Your wish is my command, Margot, I confess to being 'Charlie Reeves'!
Jane Seedling, I too would love to enjoy "[the]countryside, the greenery, and the smell of new born lambs." Alas in my garden flat in inner London, lamb chop and her offspring would attract the attention of the local Environmental Health Officers, the neighbours would be calling the noise line at the council and the local yobs would no doubt start sticking their Stanley Knives into Larry an his siblings.
Alas the only pleasures I am allowed is a smoke while I blog here.
I am truly gobsmacked. Never suspected a woman. Respect!
Brilliant stuff, and just when we needed it most.
Dave Atherton.
A good heartfelt description of what it is like to be a broadcaster. Those who have never tried it shouldn't knock it. It's horrendous, every time. I suppose, like the pain of childbirth,["never again", says she], one forgets.
Good description, too, of the fatigue,tedium and anxt within the essential dining out and public relations circuit. Pleasure? Hardly! And I never got to eat very much.
"Who runs Britain?"
Who WILL run Britain?
I note that David Cameron is, predictably, now giving forthright hard-hitting speeches about how WE must prepare ourselves for higher taxation under the Tories. \In order to repay the huge debt that WE have now created. [Or so they tell us.]
He also states that he will move the British Contingent of MEP's out of the main block of French/German yes-men in the EU Parliament. There's some discussion as to exactly WHERE they will sit in future. It seems this promise was given by him as part of his personal manifesto when running for leadership of the Conservative Party.
The big question is, WHY hasn't he moved his Tory MEPs already? There were 27 of them. Well, only 26 now that their leader has been sacked for massive expenses fraud. The move, apparently, will be towards some sort of reinstatement of sovereignty for Britain. So why don't they sit with their fellow countrymen of UKIP? There are only nine of them now, less than half the size of the Tory contingent, so no need for the Tories to be afraid of them.
If Cameron is to be believed, they are all batting on the same side now.
Mind you, these are still only words and promises for the future. We know how much value we can put on promises from the three main parties.
Meantime, the merry EU dance goes on, quite undisturbed by all this placatory UK boneless rhetoric. Put your money where your mouth is, mates. The British people really are NOT all that gullible.
Most sensible comment I have seen on this abysmal site so far Margot. Trust the tories? They must be joking I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. If there are still people out there silly enough not to vote for the Green Party, then I urge you to vote Labour.
Seals do not die under Labour, the Black Polar Bears are safe under Labour and our trees are safe under Labour. The tories recommend killing as many Black Polar Bears as possible and under them seal skins are to be used for upholstering the seats in the house of lords.
Tories also want to bring back smoking on public transport and in schools and hospitals. A vote for the tories is a vote for the end of humanity as we know it. Green is the colour Labour is the game! Keep up the good work Margot!
Seals and Black Polar bears may not die under labour Ms Seedling but people do! Just think Iraq.
Please do not lecture me about the futility of war Sylvia. I was there at the start in 1985 at the Aldermaston peace camp at Greenham Common. I along with 100s of others chained ourselves to the perimeter fence in protest at the US Cruise missiles.
And we still feel the same today about our environment and the way people like yourself are helping to destroy it. As for people dying in Iraq because of Labour that is as silly as your arguments on here about smoking being good for you. Tony Blair was a tory plant, placed into New Labour in the hope of destroying it once and for all. His biggest mistake was siding with Bush, had he not done that the tories might have got away with it.
Labour now have a leader we can all trust, a leader that loves peace and green issues and cares for animals and our environment, a leader who quite rightly hates smoking and will never allow it again in his lifetime. Gordon Brown is Green!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha .... haaaa, haa, haa .. (choke!!!)
Jane, I'd love to hear in what way smokers are destroying the planet, the evidence that supports your view that Tony Blair was a Tory plant and that Gordon Brown loves animals. Oh..and that Tories intend to upholster seats with sealskin...
Come on, give us all a laugh, after all your comments are surely not meant to be taken seriously!
Jane Seedling - you are either totally deluded or niave if you think Gordon Brown is our saviour; I suspect you are both.
Sorry folks! Jane Seedling obviously got a little upset re:my comment about those in charge frankly not being capable of running a bath properly. The content of her posts are as entertaining to me as the scripts of Fawlty Towers. This was supposed to provoke a heated debate, but I haven't laughed so much for ages!
Ah! Jane Seedling is a Greenham Common dyke, it's all starting to make sense now ;}
I can tell you who is running the place Sir liam killroy Donaldson, The natzi councils, The so call advisors,and the do gooders.
“Common Purpose by any chance? The organisations that you mention are riddled with their graduates.” – Mary
Before this merry weekend romp slides off down the page to never-never land, I’d like to put a few thoughts to a question Mary asked in a previous thread. As the government, [with compliance from the opposition], seems hell bent on causing massive unemployment and destruction of this country, Mary’s question was, “Why?”
Starting with the smoking ban and moving rapidly through to a “credit crunch” with all capital lending, [purportedly], stopped, we are looking at the final stages of the Orwellian theory. I won’t be the only one who noticed how quickly big business names closed down when the credit crisis was announced. Not surprising when one realises that from Thatcher’s time onwards almost everything we possess was sold to foreign investors. Just a handful of faceless organisations own everything now.
So what advantage would it be for a controlling Big Brother global economy to have the masses unemployed and needing state benefit? Well it would make people completely dependent upon the state. It is just a short step from there to government insistence that they do some work to justify their benefit payments. The wise benevolent government can then reopen factories and restore production. People will work there under the state and not be directly employed.
Vote Labour? Vote Tory? Vote Lib-Dem? Vote Green? What the hell difference does it make? Until we are completely out from under the jackboot of the EU, you might as well vote for the Monster Raving Loonies. Incidentally, don’t vote BNP – their race hatred would quickly cause Martial Law to be imposed, so hastening control for Big Brother.
Well, that’s how I see it. But I also see that things don’t seem to be going entirely to plan. Of the 49 states of Europe, only 27 have been joined into the EU. There are still around 3 who haven’t signed the Lisbon Treaty, which gives the EU complete control. The major countries, like France and Germany, are starting to scurry into protectionism. The vast majority of ordinary Europeans are sick to death with all of it and backing their own Independence parties like UKIP.
Well, that’s how I see it anyway. We are still far from being out of the wood and our country will be in a sorry state when we finally do regain independence. However, our resources are still there and strong. We would be able to fight back and repair the damage – and become the great United Kingdom once again.
Pity they have abolished the Traitor’s Gate!
'Gordon Brown will never allow smoking in his lifetime'. ( Jane Seedling). Brown's time as PM is almost over, so that remark is insane.
You certainly have a fanatical tone to your posts, and it follows that you are one of the 'climate change' mob of indoctrinated simpletons.Don't you people know the meaning of the term 'real science'?
As for the smoking ban, Jane, it will eventually be overturned, as the finance for the Anti-smoking Crusade dries up, which is already beginning, and the grant-fed parasites find more lucrative pastimes. If you didn't know that £££ is the only reason for the bans, you are incredibly uninformed, and really need educating to this amazing scam.They have used people like you to perpetrate it, and are reaping the benefits from fanatical foot-soldiers while sitting back smoking their fat cigars.
Smoking will never be eliminated, it is far too enjoyable.
"Thursday, 12 February 2009
An interesting little detail that explains something that sometimes puzzles people about our activities in the European Parliament.
The European Parliament’s campaigning Petitions Committee approved a damning new report slamming planning loopholes which leave homeowners defenceless against developers seizing part or all of their property.
Sounds terribly important, doesn't it? And the law they're complaining about is indeed vile. But here's the important line:
Now the Petitions Committee - which has no direct power - has made a new call on the Madrid government to force revision of the regional law.
This is why we almost never sign up to such petitions and motions. They have no power over anything at all. They're simply pious notions that show that MEPs "care"....not that MEPs are going to do anything about the subject. Something to show the constituents, not something that's going to change anything.
For the truth is that MEPs and Parliament cannot do anything about this or any other matter. The European Parliament does not have the right to initiate legislation. It can only vote on or attempt to amend legislation sent to it by the Commission or perhaps other agencies of the EU.
It's just another example of the lack of democracy within the whole system. The only elected people in it aren't able to even propose the law. There is indeed a Parliament, as we know, but it's a facade, the real power lies elsewhere.
Which is why we must leave, of course.
Posted by Tim Worstall UKIP"
Let me hasten to add that this has been posted here by me, not Tim Worstall. I received this email today. I would also add that the Independent MEPs are effective as a group, of course. For example, they combined themselves, their effort and their meagre resources to write to every single household in Ireland asking them to vote "No" to the Lisbon Treaty.
Whoever controls finance controls the real power in the world.It wasn't long ago on this blog that I was accused of putting forward a 'nonsense conspiracy theory', but the fact remains that creating chaos, or letting it happen, in the worlds finance, is the perfect way, and excuse, to centralize banking systems. To put power in fewer hands, and therefore gain much more control.I believ this is exactly what is happening.
The people at the top never lose out, so they don't worry about consequences for the billions who suffer.
I had forgotten that aspect, Zitori, and note that Gordon Brown now frequently mentions the necessity to form a global banking system.
Let's hope that Obama stands firm in the G20 conference. Mind you, the results of the conference, as they will be presented to us via our controled media, may not necessarily be the truth.
"Gordon Brown now frequently mentions the necessity to form a global banking system....."
Yes, Margot - a chilling prospect indeed !
And what follows in our cosy little Global Community ?
Why, a Global Police Force, a Global Army, a Global Government, and a Global Legal System.
Probably a Global 'Eastenders', too...........
David Icke may not be QUITE as barmy as some would believe.
And don't worry about the G20 Charade: it will play out exactly as it's INTENDED to.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident"
(Franklin D Roosevelt)
Jane! Jane Seedling! Is that really you? I don't expect you'll remember me but we ended up sharing a bender one cold night in the winter of 82, after I'd overindulged on the lentil-custard and couldn't make it back to Orange Gate in time for the evening moomering! You really helped my tummy with your special "mother earth" brew, but you never did give me the ingredients! Just slightly warm, as I remember and a light nutty colour. It tasted almost as good on the way back up and it detoxed me a treat! Do you remember? It was so funny the next day, shouting at those stupid men who had brought us blankets and food. Thought they could own us through their patronage! We certainly showed them alright!
Amazing! And what am I doing here, you may ask! Rightly, Jane, rightly. It is a good question, for do we not find ourselves in the company of craven deniers and polluters, who insist upon abusing themselves and our mother planet in the most selfish and unacceptable manner, as if what they like to call their "freedoms" should take precedence over what is good for them?
I am here, sister, for I have answered the call. My crystal-therapist [who is in fact Cherie Blair's hairdresser - Cherie Blair!] told me that the reckoning is almost upon us. What we have been dreaming of, sister: the post-democratic age! We have created, through our stealth and superior cunning, a great power that is only just beginning to be seen by our enemies. Well, let them look and wonder, for resistance is beyond them now! Let us sing our anthems in the heart of the criminals' temple, for our common purpose has given birth to its messiah and nothing can break us! World governance is ours, sister! Oh, and btw: we're all Hezbollah now , darling!
Peace and love.
We are wimmins
We are strong
We're correct
And you're all wrong
That was a pretty brilliant post by "Harby" above. Respect to the perpetrator.
It does produce a glimmer of hope and I remember the words of Idlex earlier:-
"The answer to the question "Who rules Britain?" is probably no-one. Or maybe just a herd of idiots thundering around wrecking things that were working perfectly well, but which they simply couldn't leave alone."
I very nearly joined those wimmin at Greenham Common. My motives were pure. I had the deepest distrust of nuclear power and I still have. Two things spring to mind. The first, a very powerful film called "Dr Strangelove"; so chilling that audiences left the cinema in complete silence. The second: that my cousin is a hill farmer in North Wales. After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, he received no compensation for the death of his huge flocks of sheep, or for his polluted land. The water for the farm house comes directly from his stream. We all have knowledge of Hiroshima.
My point is that we all have random reasons for doing the things that we do. They are not necessarily linked to belief in a greater purpose. At present, Global Control seems inevitable but it still cannot predict individual actions by the herd milling about. Who would have predicted that the barmy suffragettes would win through? Who could have predicted that the Trade Unions would win through? Both were impossibly up against the Establishment.
So I see a glimmer of hope here. You CAN lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I note that the former manager of a branch of Woolworths has gathered the money together somehow, re-opened it and re-employ all the original staff. They have, and will keep, huge support from the local populace.
Nevertheless, we must be aware of the gathering destructive force of global control and continue to do what we can to thwart it.
I am incredibly uninformed Mr Zitori? Who pray, informed you that the smoking ban is about to be overturned? Whoever it was I would suggest you ask for your money back as the smoking ban will never be overturned...Never!
And why on earth would these 'fanatical foot-soldiers' who work for the no smoking lobby, even think about 'sitting back and smoking their fat cigars"? You cannot see it can you? These people do not smoke Mr Zitori. They are not fools like you and the others on here who think it is wonderful to pollute our planet and murder our children.
As for Gordon Brown's time as PM being almost over, that is as laughable as reading the rest of your drivel. Gordon Brown will win the next election and go onto be the longest running Labour Prime Minister in history. Who else would you suggest? The tories with their pro-smoking manifesto which clearly no same person would dream of voting for, or the lib-dems with their sit on their hands policies, or maybe that silly ukip lot who would drag us out of Europe and leave us high and dry in no man's land?
Dreadfully sorry Mr Zitori, but your comments make about as much sense as Mickey Mouse in a cat's meat factory.
Ummm , Ms Seedling didn't the Labour Government bomb children in Iraq ?
Oh dear Jane, yes you are incredibly uninformed, or should that read 'suffering .from obsessive hatred and delusion'. Probably both.Very funny though.Keep it up.
Yes, among the people who hold the purse strings of the Anti-smoking Crusade via, 'The Master Settlement Agreement' (which may have bypassed your narrow vision, $250,000,000,000), and the Pharmaceutical companies billions, there will be many who smoke their cigars, because many of these are not anti-smoking fanatics, but opportunists who are riding the richest movement the world has ever seen, which will come to an end at some point.
If you had read my post properly you would have known I was talking of the Top Dogs smoking,NOT the wide eyed fanatical idiots, who they use as their'foot soldiers', not unlike yourself I believe.
As for murdering children, you are sweet. By denying them any exposure to smoke is increasing their chance of respirtory diseases later in life. 1998 WHO Study on ETS. Of course Jane this was buried from the public veiw, as are the many studies giving the same results, which I'm sure you've read? As if.
You really are a perfect example of the foot soldier, and I'm sure with your perception could carve yourself a great career as one of Gordon's NuLabour Fascists, and that comes from a former lifelong Labour supporter.
As for Brown lasting...if you believe that, I have a beautiful property in Birmingham with great sea veiws I'm trying to shift. Interested?
Zitori, help is at hand. I have tracked down the WHO 1998 study. Not forgetting the New Zealand Study that found children of smokers had 82%, yes 82% less reduction in asthma, psorisis, eczema and other allergic conditions.
Participants with atopic parents were also less likely to have positive SPTs between ages 13 and 32 years if they smoked themselves (OR=0.18), and this reduction in risk remained significant after adjusting for confounders.
The authors write: "We found that children who were exposed to parental smoking and those who took up cigarette smoking themselves had a lower incidence of atopy to a range of common inhaled allergens.
Conclusions: Our results indicate no association between childhood exposure to ETS
and lung cancer risk. We did find weak evidence of a dose–response relationship between risk of lung cancer and exposure to spousal and workplace ETS. There was no detectable risk after cessation of exposure. [J Natl Cancer Inst 1998;90:1440–50]
(Note: a relative risk of 1.16 is not proof of anything. It must be 2.0 or more, the
equivalent of a 200 % increase in risk. This study shows less than 20% increase in
risk, not valid in an uncontrolled population study.)
THanks for that Dave.
As someone stated earlier. Murdering children? THE most dispicable accusation that exists, Jane Seedling, and you don't mention the wholesale slaughter of children in your precious war against 'terror', based on a lie. Fuuny that.
The devious smoking bans, to set a precident for control, based on a lie.
Climate change due to CO2, based on a lie.
We live in a world of lies, perpetrated by evil bastards, and believed by morons like the so-called Jane Seedling.
"They are not fools like you and the others on here who think it is wonderful to pollute our planet and murder our children."
A Dense Jingle 2009
Well well well, here I am, and my two older brothers, slightly younger sister and aged parent, all spending our childhood surrounded by smokers, of which I am one, and still all alive and kicking. As for pollution, the only pollution I can see is that coming from your....
Well Ms Seedling is possibly a good illustration of everything that's wrong with Britain now.
Too many people, "non productive people" in highly paid jobs, i.e (Anti smoking)(Wimmins commisars),for example, bleeding the taxpayer dry to create more parasitic jobs ,(Empire building(,see ,"Bleeding the taxpayer dry"), .
And like the monstrously over staffed government are ,Inept, incompetent,parasitic,
They make a mess out of everything they touch,(read the inverse of the midas touch),(THE EXCREMENTIAL TOUCH).
Ridiculous over spending on unneccesary schemes (see ID).(Wimmins issues).
As for ID etc I think putting schoolchildren on a national database (i.e fingerprinting )is one of the most "VILE", "EVIL", things I have ever heard in my whole life.
Defend that one .
We are the laughing stock of the western world due to the Big Brother 1984 stuff this daft government has tried to impose on us.
In fact the "creepy database", they are assembling is "ILLEGAL"
And "product" like the sad Seedling believe every twisted truth the purchased column inches say.
That's the problem.
ps aprox 75% of people who unfortunately die from smokin related disease don't smoke.
However the figures state 87000 from smoking related disease so roughly 21750 smoking related mortality smoke.
The number killed by medical error is 72000 per anum.
Do you think the BBC will report that.
Of course not.
They are in on the gravy train.
"Gordon Brown will win the next election and go onto be the longest running Labour Prime Minister in history."
Jane - where on earth did you pull that ridiculous statement from? I can't comment really, I'm laughing so much! You must be so blinkered and brainwashed.
BTW Jane - if GB asked you to shoot dissenting British citizens with live ammunition, would you eagerly say yes to hold onto your dreams?
jane have you got a brain it dosnt sound like you have. Gordon save the world brown will not win the next election. His party will be lucky if they win a few seats on lawn outside parliamentlet alone inside. Him and his clowns have ruined this country, its finished. I am not a pessimist just a person who is saying it as it is.There are over 2 million people in this country unemployed and him introducing a smoking ban and keeping to the ban is just adding more unemployed to the list. I have always voted labour but i can say with my hand on my heart they are the worse corrupt government i have ever known. I will never vote labour again i would rather vote for popeye then vote for a natzi corrupt know it all government like labour again.They want to controll us and i am old enough to make my own mind up and if i choose to smoke drink or get fat i will.