Snow glorious snow

The view from my bedroom window at 8.30 this morning. Don't think I'll be going into the office (in London or Cambridge) today ...
Update: the local schools are closed, the A14 (main road to Cambridge) is blocked ... but the local shop is open and selling today's newspapers so it can't be that bad.
Reader Comments (6)
What have all the global warming media scientists have to say about this, I'd like to know.
I see the council houses are better appointed in Cambrdge than mine in Leytonstone ;)
Why does everything grind to a halt? In the 60's I lived in a town on the South coast ; there was a grit bin on nearly every street corner.
Well, I'm sorry for all the inconvenience you folk are suffering, HOWEVER, as I predicted, our bit of snow lasted just 24 hours. There's something about the Kent coast directly opposite France which gives it a different climate. My poor grandchildren had just one day off school and their parents had no days off work. The unused sledges remain in the garages. The hats, scarves & gloves remain stuffed in the hall draws. The cobwebs inside the Wellingtons increase in volume.
Yes, families could drive inland to enjoy the snow there but that would have to be at the weekend when, as usual, all snow will be gone.
Happens just the same every year.
Margot, you must be quite near me (Ramsgate). We had a dusting on Sunday night and that was it! We feel cheated! No wonder they call us Planet Thanet! In fact yesterday I was out in the garden enjoying the sunshine and doing some long overdue weeding and trimming my rose bushes whilst my husband was building a chicken coup.
A bit late replying, Sylvia, but yes I live near Folkestone. Drop me an email?
Good luck with the chickens. I can't wait to get back into my garden - not to mention our allotment.