Dinner at the Dorchester
Forgive the lack of posts lately. I am rather busy on a number of projects. Tonight however I shall be relaxing at a black tie dinner at the Dorchester Hotel in London. Guest speaker is the editor of The Times. Excuse me while I go and get my dinner jacket ...
Rather amusingly (I thought) dinner was delayed slightly last night. The reason given was that the room in which we were eating had previously been used by Mariah Carey for the launch of her new perfume and before we could use it they had to fumigate it. Seriously.
Anyway, here's a picture of the white Rolls Royce that was waiting outside the Dorchester at midnight last night. You probably can't see it, but it features a rather tasteful image of Carey down one side. Sadly the waiting paparazzi showed not the slightest interest in either me or my companions.
Reader Comments (4)
Me?.....I've got my old shirt on, and will be having Italian sausages and red lentils.
Oh, the guest speak is me, if I can get a word in that is....
Go on, Peter, while Simon's away, go for it and write a long post!!
I appreciate that this is Simon's blog and it's his prerogative to make the rules but I really don't understand the rationale behind limiting length of comments. This blog attracts many thoughtful comments (rather than one on which people have a quick rant and skeddadle) and I think that a relaxed attitude acknowledges that our comments are welcome - if some are over-long, well, so what? As rational adults we can choose whether or not to read them! I find it rather ironic, in fact, that a blog that rails against authoritarianism exhibits, um, authoritarianism...
Thanks for your words of support Joyce, but to be perfectly honest, when I said "if I can get a word in", I meant with my wife...........
Nevertheless, I do agree with what you say 100%
Pity about the smoking ban being in place. In the good old days a few preprandial cigarettes and a nice cigar afterwards would have easily covered the stench of nasty perfumes. Would have saved the cost of a fumigator.