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Just say NO, now

Just putting the finishing touches to the Forest submission to the government consultation on future tobacco control in the UK. If anyone is in any doubt about the extent to which this government will consider harassing and targeting smokers, read page 45 of the consultation document:

"Question 12: Do you believe that more should be done by the Government to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke within private dwellings or in vehicles used primarily for private purposes? If so, what do you think could be done?"

As you can see, it's not just cars that are on the agenda, but "private dwellings" as well.

If you haven't yet responded to the consultation, please do so NOW. The easiest option is to send the Forest e-card which you find HERE.

Since we launched this facility a couple of weeks ago, over 1300 e-cards have been sent to the Department of Health. In addition, we have sent out more than 2000 printed cards. How many have been signed and posted to the DH I can't say, but I do know that we are delivering, by hand, several hundred to the DH on Monday morning.

Meanwhile please sign The Free Society petition HERE. We aim to keep the petition running until Christmas at least and if the numbers are large enough we will present it as evidence to the DH while they consider their options.

Reader Comments (11)

Your damn right Simon, we should sign it!

"Question 12: Do you believe that more should be done by the Government to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke within private dwellings or in vehicles used primarily for private purposes? If so, what do you think could be done?"

What kind of sick mind is dreaming up this relentless persecution...when is it ever going to end?

It isn't enough to drive us out of public they're going after us in our own homes, and our own vehicles.

Surely there must be a way of driving this madness out of our society...these bullies must be stopped!

I've just signed by the way.

September 5, 2008 at 18:47 | Unregistered CommenterChris F J Cyrnik

Chris - I just signed. These b*stards are beginning to drive me around the bend. Yes, they must be stopped and fast.

September 5, 2008 at 20:01 | Unregistered CommenterBill

What I don't understand is why these crazy regulations are multiplying like this. It's more or less as if the government has taken the ban on smoking passed by parliament in 2006 as a signal to make absolutely any regulation they like about smoking. Or does this latest raft of proposals have to go before parliament before they can become law?

September 6, 2008 at 1:15 | Unregistered Commenteridlex

From the 'CRUK' (pronounced crook) web site:

'More than 8,000 people have written to the Department of Health calling for tougher tobacco control to protect young people and put tobacco out of sight and out of mind'.

The more people who sign against the proposal the better chance of stopping it.

September 6, 2008 at 11:49 | Unregistered Commenterchas

We need to get these idiots out of office now,Whats happening to this once proud nation??????

September 7, 2008 at 2:07 | Unregistered CommenterCarl

Carl, I absolutely agree that we need to get these idiots out of office now! As to whats happening to this once proud nation? Unfortunately it went to the dogs a long time ago and sad though it is, most of us sat back and let it happen!

We desparately need to take a leaf out of the book of the French, Germans and other countries that have stuck 2 fingers up at the smoking ban and other issues. We need to have the balls to blockade ports, like the French do and to stay put until something is achieved.

If nothing else, then hopefully the situation we are in now will fire up enough people and unions and whatever else, to start a sustained fight back. I just hope it is not too late!

I know that I, like many others, vent our spleen on this and similar sites but do not back up our words with actions. Unfortunately, not all of us are able to for one reason or another, but with the right leaders it may just happen.

September 8, 2008 at 10:30 | Unregistered CommenterLyn

This is bloody ridiculous - how on earth are the Government proposing to stop me smoking in my own home - shades of 1984 me thinks. I am sure the antis will go down the route of existing legislation re mobile phone use in cars to get a ban in cars in place, which should be resisted strongly. The police already have the right to prosecute me if they think I am driving without due care and attention whilst lighting up. Keep up the good work Simon

September 8, 2008 at 11:14 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline Chambers

I live in a rural area and if anyone of these inspectors step on my land I will call the police and have them arrested for trespassing. If the police do not act then I will use whatever means required to eject them. I will not have realjob dodging touts coming anywhere near my property to check if I, my family or my guests are smoking.

In addition, these lowlifes who prey on smokers are de facto extortionists who demand money with menaces. Had I been the 'White Van Man' recently in Wales who was given an on the spot fine for smoking in his own van,I would also have also called the police. Threats were used to make this man part with his hard earned cash and that is a crime. He should have been prosecuted and lost his job.

September 8, 2008 at 14:42 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Peoples

Caroline suggested
'I am sure the antis will go down the route of existing legislation re mobile phone use in cars to get a ban in cars in place, which should be resisted strongly'

If other countries are anything to go by they will go down the "it's for the children" route and attempt a ban in a car when 'children' (Under 18) are being carried. Still usefull to know the Mobile phone ban can be used to bolster the argument.

If they stick to the script for the house route it will be multi-occupancy dwellings first while 'encouraging' landlords (councils?) to go smokerfree (er smokefree).

Nice of Iain to blog on this. I commented that the 'consultation' was HMG asking HMG funded orgs to persude the 'public' to a particular view and send a note of support to HMG. This is not a fair consultation by any means.


September 8, 2008 at 18:08 | Unregistered Commenterwest2

Well, then, there seems to be a lot of people ready, willing and able to fight the fight. So let me begin.... let's all go into our local pubs and take all our smoking friends with us. They can't physically throw you out (that would be termed assault), so they have no option but to call the police to evict you. And if that happens all over the country and in loads of pubs in one area particularly, then the local bobbys wouldn't be able to enforce this ridiculous law. Whose law and what order, I ask myself.

September 8, 2008 at 23:46 | Unregistered Commenterlookatthebigpicture

on a lighter note, apparently 7 out of 10 athletes at the recent Olympic games were smokers
source Matt Roberts Times Aug 16

September 10, 2008 at 16:31 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

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