Loitering with intent to leaflet

Was it something I said? This morning, while we were handing out flyers promoting this evening's meeting, we were moved on at least five times. It's alright, apparently, to hand out flyers in the street outside the secure area - but not inside where most of the delegates are.
This is a complete pain. It cost us hundreds of pounds (£600, I think) to get fringe passes that give us access to the secure area (and our own meeting!!), and for that money I don't expect to be stuck out in the street rubbing shoulders with the "Ban Tobacco" campaigner and his soapbox, or the class warriors distributing copies of the Morning Star.
The first time we were approached by a security guard I thanked him for doing his job and explained that it was nothing personal but I would continue to do mine.
"Are you telling me to piss off?" he asked.
"Yes," I said, "in a polite way."
"Well, you can piss off too," he said. "I'm going to speak to my manager."
Later we ended up in the entrance to the exhibition area. "You can't stand there," we were told. "You'll have to move on."
So we did - to the smoking area (which was outside, naturally). "Sorry," said an official, as we produced our flyers. "You can't do that."

Reader Comments (9)
Certain people are afraid Simon, that your message about the unfairness of the smoking ban might be getting through.
That's why they would rather have you outside their tent trying to piss in!
I read a story about a priest being stopped from giving out leaflets as it was causing litter.
The control-freakery seems to have got Gordo through his speech without incident, thus pleasing the easy-to-please fanclub in attendance.
The upside is that prissy little Davy Minibland made the mistake of being rude to a Radio4 beeboid ahead of his own speech yesterday and thus it was that they then gleefully reported his "Heseltine moment" gaffe as later overheard in the lift.
Prissy little Davy Minibland describes the incident as "hearsay"... which is not a denial.
Thus it is then that the boy-wonder is now a busted flush; exposed as the spineless little over-privileged over-promoted political-class creep that he is.
Gordo has bought some time with his minions and nulabor will be led to their fall by Gobbler McBroon in 2010.
why didn't you carry on about your lawful business? The only way to get through to these tyrants is to take direct action
I have come back from the pub, not only going outside to smoke but with a wine or two inside me. Early on today we were discussing at work how extreme we would go to protect our family.
My instinct was the Labour Party conference was probably a good meeting to miss. As the cliche goes, "if you have not having anything nice to say, say nothing at all". I could see myself, pass or not pointing out Labour's errors of their ways. Rude, confrontational is not my normal style but with Labour I could make an exception.
Handing leaflets out without fuss to me, would make Mark Littlewood's shove over the wall look like a mild exchange of ideas at the Womens's Institute.
Ejecting octogenarian, Jewish dissenters by force because they happen to disagree with a speech and voice their concern sets the standard. With a middle aged man in good fettle could possibly invoke a reaction which would probably make the front pages.
I hope Labour may have an opportunity to repent in leisure,
Dave, I would also struggle to retain my calm composure if presented with a faceful of Kerry McWotsits, Millivanillibands and Ballses hiding behind snotty security-guards.
I'm just waiting for a posse of 'em to knock on my door come election-time. But they won't... I remember from my time in the local CLP that my road is considered to be "full of working-class Tories", so they don't tend to bovver wivvit.
GMTV as all news I guess, is full of Gordo's speech yesterday. There is a poll on GMTV website asking if his speech has made a difference to you. So far the overwhelming majority have voted NO!
Worth a look if anyone feels like bumping the negative vote numbers! Not easy to find, you need to access the bit about Gordo's live on air chat today and then you scroll to the bottom and get the opportunity to leave a comment. Having done that, the Poll pops up. A bit of a chore I know, but I am sure everyone here has plenty to comment on with regard to Gordo and his party!
Here's the addy for the GMTV poll...
Thus far, 71.7% of respondents appear to know a dead duck when they see one.
Thanks for that Basil, I always have problems trying to post links! Just not technically minded!