Ways and means to a free society

Wearing my Free Society hat, I have been invited to contribute to a new think tank blog on the Telegraph website. My first post can be found HERE. Comments welcome.
Big Brother,

Reader Comments (30)
It's rather short.
so's your comment (tee-hee)
Less is more.
..More or less.
[altogether now]...
"There'll always be an England..."
...or will there?
I hope so.
I doubt it!
A daisy.
Its the silly season for sure
See, we're all being driven mad!! Then again, with the way things are today in this country, we need a little brevity.
...and levity
This is it! Good to see some light hearted banter.Morale must be high !
As long as we dont swing too low
... sweet chariot!
coming forth to carry me home.....
...or away
in a manger...
...only if less than 50% enclosed..
...and well equipped with chemical air fresheners, chemical slimming aids, chemical food replacements, chemical deodorants, chemical tranquillisers, chemical mood enhancers, nicotine patches and, above all, a surveillance camera.
..... operated by someone called Heathcliffe
....assisted by three rich men from the East
wanted for treason blair prestcot brown straw flint reid hewitt collaborators and there enforcers the price is working stubbing out blairs legacy and labours war of mass destruction imposed on liberty respect tolerance equality identity compassion democracy integrity united kingdom who gave who the right to impose persecution bullying abuse and the deaths of innocent people under their controlled democracy are traitors have no elusions they are accountable for this so this is your better united kingdom as in war you pay the price for liberty its not what we want its what thay gave in memory of anthony mcdermott who was bullied and persecuted into suicide and hanged himself and all others so this is your new healthy united kingdom to all parties protect demands liberty and movments reinstated no liberty no peace lest they forgot no compromise this is an afront to our forfathers from protect