Smoke-free movies: the next logical step?

Last week those nice people at SmokeFree Liverpool called for all movies with smoking scenes to be given an 18 certificate. The idea isn't new - anti-smoking campaigners in America have been banging on about this for years - but it got SmokeFree Liverpool some headlines and maintained the pressure to "denormalise" smoking, which was the real point of the exercise.
Most commentators believe the idea is barking mad but they fail to draw the connection with the ban on smoking in public places. Writing in The Herald, for example, Martin Laing says, "I'm all for the ban on smoking in public places and wish more people would stop. But Liverpool City Council's plan is the last gasp of the lunatics."
The point is this: the only reason we are even discussing 18 certificates for films that show people smoking is because the habit is banned in every pub, club and bar. Give these fanatics an inch and they'll take a mile. Each capitulation encourages them to go for the "next logical step".
Forest's response to the original story is featured HERE (in the Liverpool Daily Post) and on The Free Society blog HERE.

Reader Comments (3)
Yeah,the general public is really dumb. What else is new?
If they don't want under 18s to see people smoking, why are smokers forced to stand outside pubs, in full view of these youngsters?
Smokefree Liverpool! I wonder what Lennon would have said. After all they named the airport after him,and are very proud it's smokefree. I'm sure he would have told them what to do with it! What hypocracy.