Ronnie H bites back

You can't keep a good man down. Bafta award-winning screenwriter Ronnie Harwood has reacted to THIS post with the following riposte:
Please tell Mr ..... that I think he is an intellectual giant otherwise how else could he be an assistant editor of the most politically correct newspaper in Western Europe? Presumably he believes everything that politicians and doctors say. Presumably he believes that they never exaggerate to make a point? What a mind he must have. How enviable.
I suppose he has investigated everything from cash for honours to climate change, from the dodgy dossier to MPs' expense claims. Has he investigated the smoking statistics? And will he answer my question - how many people does he know who have killed another human being under the influence of a cigarette? Please ask him to show me a death certificate where the cause of death is given as 'passive smoking' or 'second-hand smoke'?
And please ask him to remember Lady Churchill, the heaviest passive smoker in history. She died aged 92. I'll settle for that.
This could run and run.
Note: I haven't revealed who our Guardian contact is because I'm not sure that his original email was intended for public consumption. In due course, perhaps ...

Reader Comments (1)
I'm glad to see that he won't let it lie :)