Breakfast at the Beeb
Monday, December 8, 2008
Busy day tomorrow. Early risers can hear me on Five Live's Morning Reports, followed by BBC Breakfast. Then, if all goes to plan, Channel 4 News. And IRN. No prizes for guessing what I'll be talking about. I'll keep you posted.
in TV and Radio
Reader Comments (6)
Would that be BBC Breakfast on the Sky channel BBC News?
Alan Johnson said that under the counter sales would not affect shops. The same was said about pubs and clubs.
I see a Monty Python style cheese shop sketch coming on..... Man goes into a corner shop "have you got any fragrant B&H?" "Nah sorry" replies the shopkeeper, "How about some tasty Marlboro?" "all out I'm afraid"...... Several hours later there is a queue going right out of the door and round the corner before a cigarette brand in stock is finally identified!!!
On the news this morning, GMTV and local radio, apparently the government are proposing that all tobocco products be hidden from view in shops, etc.
Might have know they wouldn't give up on this one!
Thing is, how some so many people, including youngsters, take illegal drugs? They are not on display anywhere or even available 'under the counter' in shops, well not in the main, anyway. So, drugs are not openly available, yet people, including youngsters, still get hold of them and use and abuse them, so why how will removing displays of tobacco products make any difference, except to make it more attractive, particularly to the younger members of society?
Maybe the government are suffering from the loss of revenue and really want to up the smoking trend again? They are a sneaky, underhand and devious lot at the best of times and seem to think we are all stupid!
My thoughts are the same Lyn, If you want to create a demand then ban it!
Although I see this as an extremley chidish and immature attitude from those repsonsible for ban this and that. Just who the hell do these people think they are to treat grown adults as is they are infantile. Never mind the children i am not respnsible for some young things actions neither are this government, nor the slimey suck up TV brigade whom i detest with a passion.
It is about time thse people in so called power went back to nursery school and suck dummies.
Yes I go along with that Lyn. Get the fags banned in case some head case sues somebody, then when they're in the clear, and like the drugs (its nothing got to do with us) when the fags shoot up in demand, make a tidy little earner for themselves. How cozy is that.
The govt are such sneaky slime balls out of touch with reality at the best of times that it would be just their style to think that all 'their subjects' are stupid.