More tobacco restrictions?

Point of sale: the BBC is reporting that "plans to stop shops displaying cigarettes, which may have been included in an NHS Reform Bill, may be watered down because of economic concerns, although some new restrictions are still expected".
All will be revealed in the Queen's Speech later today. Or will it? New legislation doesn't have to feature - the government can announce or introduce new legislation whenever it likes - so don't be surprised if we're still in the dark this afternoon. Whatever happens, this issue is going to run and run.

I have just read the full text of the Queen's Speech and and as I predicted we are still in the dark about the government's plans for further tobacco controls. That could change in the next few days when the Department of Health reports on the outcome of the "public" consultation. For the moment let's enjoy this brief hiatus and offer thanks to Baron Mandelson of Foy and Hartlepool!
Reader Comments (9)
With Hamish Howitt hung out to dry by the establishment yesterday it looks like a very grim week for us smokers. The ramifications are whether you overtly or covertly allow smoking in your establishment the council can now put you out of business. There will be a particularly high profile case coming up in the next few months which will have some financial clout and a heavywieght legal team behind it, plus I believe that Hamish will be appealing to the House of Lords. I think they potentially will be straws in wind.
I could suggest, hat tip to The Sun, last one out please turn out the lights, but there are some angles left. Getting rid of Labour is one of them at the next election. Also in my very humble opinion Labour are on the wrack on a civil liberties level, is this something we can exploit?
I wish the government would just ban tobacco altogether. I'm sick and tired of being treat worse than a criminal ( they can smoke in prison! ), and having the anti-smoking idiots constantly coughing as THEY walk beside me. Even though I have taken the time to move out of their way they always come closer to ME. So yeah just ban tobacco and let's have more crime. Bring on the crime!
Carl, joke as you might, it might just happen yet! Let's face it, a few years ago we would all have said a total ban was out of the question and look where we are now!
If out in the open air, then nowadays I am afraid I leave the antis to avoid me! I am not allowed to invade their idea of 'clean' air, so they can damn well keep out of my 'dirty' air. Which, incidentally, is no cleaner than what is in the pubs, clubs, restaurants, etc, if they are by a road as it is not tobacco smoke that causes health problems, but vehicle fumes which enter premises every time the door is opened, or if a window is open!
Simple logic, without all this bogus science, shows us that if cancer has still been rising whilst the number of people smoking has been decreasing over the decades, then it can't be tobacco! What has been increasing at a greater rate than smokers have been decreasing? Vehicles of course and subsequently the emissions from said vehicles!
Might be simple, but for me it says one hell of a lot more than all the cr*p ASH and their puppets have been spouting!
By the way, under puppets, please do include this current government and most of the other MP's in the other 2 main parties! So think very carefully about who you vote for in the next election!
Unfortunately I wasn't joking. I really hope prohibition comes in for tobacco. If we are going to be treat like criminals we may as well have a reason, don't ya think?
On the note about voting. I've always voted with the major issues ( schools, NHS etc... ) ( granted I'm only 25 so not many elections ). But now I'm voting with my addiction and it's gonna be either UKIP or BNP.
Well Carl, perhaps we should start cramming on the history of prohibition in the US to get some ideas on exactly how to continue using a banned product without being caught!
Glad to see you are joining in with the protest voting though - well done!
I was Conservative for a while until I saw their view on the smoking ban then thought nah. I've now turned my attention growing my own tobacco, at least then they can't accuse me of poisoning their atmosphere with toxins as it doesn't contain anywhere near 600!
The more I read on articles like this the more angry I become. How many more 'bans' are we liable to put up with before we revolt..... roll on the revolution!!