In two minds about Talksport

I found myself in a bit of a quandary yesterday. I got a call from Talksport asking me to do an interview about the display of tobacco in shops.
I told the producer I was in two minds. I object strongly to Jon Gaunt's sacking so I was in no mood to do any interviews for the station. On the other hand, I don't want to cut my nose off to spite my face. My job is to promote Forest's point of view and I wouldn't be doing that if I boycotted Talksport or any other media outlet. (And, let's be honest, who would care?)
While we were talking I mentioned that I had written to Talksport MD Scott Taunton and programme controller Moz Dee about Gaunt's sacking and I had yet to receive an acknowledgement, let alone a proper reply.
The producer suggested a compromise. If I agreed to appear on the late night programme, she would send an email to Moz Dee drawing his attention to my concerns.
Well, I kept my side of the bargain and appeared, briefly, shortly after 10.30 last night. Needless to say I am still waiting to hear from Moz Dee. I won't be holding my breath.
PS. Deborah Arnott, director of ASH, was also on the programme last night, but not at the same time. I understand she got a real grilling from listeners. Huge public support for a display ban? I don't think so.

Reader Comments (5)
Simon, it maybe an oversight as I received replies, albeit standard type on the 11th and 25th of November. More details on request.
In the meantime I have had an article published on Devils Kitchen's website about the debasement of epidemiology and underhand tatics of Herr Glantz and Comrade Thun of the American Cancer Society.
Simon. You did the right thing going onto the show. We need all the publicity we can get.
I too just got a rubbish automated reply from TalkSPORT, seems they cannot be bothered to listen, the spineless wasters
The problem is one of fear and ignorance.The propaganda has been incredibly successful there's no doubt,and the tribal mentality exists with strength in numbers.If more people were allowed to speak up in the media without recrimination then the tide would turn dramatically, as the fears would subside. It's just a shame few have the courage and in many cases the knowledge.
"Deborah Arnott, director of ASH, was also on the programme last night, ... I understand she got a real grilling from listeners. 'Huge public support' for a display ban? I don't think so."
Sounds like the 'overwhelming evidence' about SHS.