Johnson bows to Mandelson

Quick recap: yesterday, health secretary Alan Johnson (left) announced, in a written ministerial statement, that the government "intends to bring forward primary legislation in two areas of tobacco control to protect children and young people from smoking". He added:
"We will bring to an end the practice of exposing children to the ubiquitous promotion of tobacco products in retail environments by removing the display of tobacco at the point of sale. We also plan further controls on the sale of tobacco from vending machines, by seeking powers to either remove machines or require age restrictions to limit the easy access young people have to this source of tobacco."
For all the gloom and doom being expressed here and elsewhere, this isn't as bad as we feared a few weeks ago. It's not good, obviously, but let's look on the bright side. Not only has the government shied away from banning vending machines and introducing plain packaging, it's worth remembering that the display ban won't be implemented until 2011 (large retailers) and 2013 (small shops). Bearing in mind that Labour may not be in power by then - and the Conservatives are opposed to a display ban - there is reason to hope that it won't happen. (Scotland is a different matter.)
Yesterday's statement was principally about saving face. Having declared, earlier in the year on national TV, that he was in favour of banning vending machines and the display of tobacco, Alan Johnson had to announce something. But the real winner, in political terms, was business secretary Peter Mandelson who demonstrated - not for the first time - where the real power in government lies.
Reader Comments (10)
Simon - I think your analysis of the situation is correct and hopefully with New Labour removed from power in 2010, this barmy proposal to remove POS for tobacco will never happen.
What I have found disturbing is the way the likes of Liam Donaldson (Chief Medical Officer) seem to have lorded themselves over the UK electorate when it comes to lifestyle choices.
He is not accountable to the British voters, but, again, New Labour has politicised positions outside of parliament including the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. As an aside, Liam Donaldson is hardly a beacon of healthy living, or am I missing something?
PS - It is also worth pointing out that the other suggestion of banning packs of 10 cigarettes has been kicked into the long grass.
I saw today on the front page of a newspaper ( can't remeber the name ), that Labour had gained in the polls. Now this must be one of two things:
1 ) The electorate has been struck with a case of stupidity.
2 ) They are LIEING!
Yes Carl, what was that that Arnott said? something about a confidence trick, make them think you are going to win and you will. mmm we will see.
Yeah good point Timbone, I hadn't thought of that. I never read too much into the polls anyway as they are only ( or it seems ) what people are thinking at that particular time. But I do know people who will just go along with whatever they are told, and it's a shame that England( and most other countries ) can just keep putting up with all this shit. I did have a brilliant idea though, smokers of the World should unite and form their own country, I can see it now; smoking by the pool, in the pubs, have a ban on healthy living, oh the dream!
I suppose the health freaks think that by banning display of cigs the young wont know what brand to buy and give up smoking.
As the ban wont come into effect until 2011 and hopefully labour will be out of govt, the worry is how far up the eu's rear end Gordon will have taken us by then.
When you think of all those wankers in Ash etc sitting around on huge salaries with nothing else to do only think up new ideas on how to save ourselves from ourselves it makes one shiver about the amount of damage they will have done to our psychie, and all that money thats being wasted by the lazy labour govt letting these guys do their job for them so they can go on luxury junkets at taxpayers expense.
Hopefully the prince of darkness will have done a mack the knife job on Gordon by then.
How daft can these politicians get to think that selling cigarettes under the counter will discourage youngsters from taking up the habit.Ilegal drugs are not sold under or on top of the counter and we have a huge problem with ilegal drug takers. Have they forgot they banned smoking in public places and placed us all on the street corner so that kids can see us enjoying our habit.I really believe we have a government full of half wits in power and i am sick to death of being persecuted for enjoying a cigarette. I will not be forced to quit i will quit when I am ready to quit. I cannot wait for a general election to vote these dictating farts out of office never to return. I sincerely hope now that all shop keepers and publicans get together with smokers to petition this losy government and tell them they are well and truelly over stepped their authority.This lousy government should be consentrating on getting rid of the demons in society like ilegal drug pushers as that has more of a damage to society then any smoker could do.I also hope that every smoker and publican and shop keeeper writes to brown and complains. They have just made smoking attractive by passing this law and putting cigarette sales under the counter it will now get as bad as ilegal drug sales and i hope it does and proves this lousy government wrong.
I went to school next door to Alan Johnson and I remember him because he hasn't changed a bit. I still find it difficult to look at him without seeing him in his school cap! I might be wrong but I'm sure he used to smoke when he was about 15! Who would have thought the little creep who no-one fancied would get himself elected as an MP with so much bloody power!
Sylvia the frightening thing is that all creeps get into power by brown nosing themselves and towing the party line no matter how degrading the abuse or humiliation.
Thats how easy it is to get into power in these crazy times.
I am sure that one of the main criteria for getting into politics, local and national, is that they can lie through their teeth and keep a straight face whilst doing it! They also need to have no qualms about stitching up the people they are purporting to represent!
As you say Ann, shameful, brown nosing, ignorant twerps who probably wouldn't last 5 minutes in a proper job!
i agreee with you pat that they are glamourising smoking to youngsters. In my experience tell children they cant have and they want. Its the taking away of choice that gets me angry wether its smoking drinking eating or anything else thats legal. I am scared that this country is going to have a huge revolt if the goverment carry on dictating to us about anything and everything.