Police state Britain

I didn't comment on the Damian Green story yesterday because I didn't know the facts. I'm not going to comment on it today because there's nothing I can add to what has been written in today's newspapers, notably the Daily Mail which has given the story the prominence it deserves (including the front page headline 'POLICE STATE BRITAIN').
Read the following articles - among them the brilliant Richard Littlejohn - and decide for yourself whether this "callous, rotten" government has forfeited the right to govern what is supposed to be a free, democratic country.
Police state Britain
This is a declaration of political war
Speaker Martin must go
Richard Littlejohn

Other articles:
Taking liberties with information (Financial Times)
An outrage that brings shame on Britain (Matthew Parris, The Times)

Reader Comments (5)
I don't know about anyone else, but I've thought this country has been a police state since the smoking ban came into effect, and council 'environmental health officers' were tasked with policing the filthy thing, and snitch lines opened. "It's not a free country any more," several people at my local pub said to me quite separately. And they were right.
Once you're prepared to set the law on smokers, then you're prepared to set the law on anyone, MPs included.
When Tom Harris, Paul Flynn and Kerry McCarthy posted about receiving '1984', Ian Parker-Joseph of LPUK listed on their comments threads all the legislation enacted by HMG that has undermined democracy and freedom in this country. It makes grim reading.
Great links Simon, but all that really matters is what The Sun and the Mirror says about it, as it won't be mentioned on X Factor or Eastenders.
I am still totally speechless about this. It is almost surreal, one of those earth-shattering moments that seems to change the world we live in. It is a political 9/11 for Britain. The last days of a free country.
Labour's opinion poll ratings should fall through the floor after this, they should become the third party. But it wil raise barely a ripple as it will only be the educated and wise that see the real & present danger that is signalled with this. Unfortunately, the dumbing down of Britain has lessened the extent of the backlash.
I despair of where this country is heading. If this doesn't destroy Labour for a generation or more, we may as well start packing our bags.
'Journalist accused of corrupting a police officer
13 August 2007
Bugged by police, locked in a cell for hours, strip searched, and told she faced life in prison, local newspaper journalist Sally Murrer’s life was turned upside down when she found herself accused of paying police officers for information to sell to national papers. Dominic Ponsford hears how she coped, in a case could have serious implications for all journalists'.
This reporter was on the Stephen Nolan programme last night. She said that this is how reporters got their news and said that maybe not a police state, but a Government state.
I agree with idlex it all started with the smoking ban, they start with the easy target by throwing money at the plebs to see how they will react and take it from there. The worried well start worrying about their health as they believe the good times are going to last and they want to live forever. Sort of a nil by mouth operation to start with and its full steam ahead after that to work on our brains.
Its apalling now to see that they have upped the ante by making Damian Green the first scapegoat at govt level to be treated like a terrorist just because he drew attention to their lax border controls.
Its ironic that they have arrested one of their own when this labour govt is responsible themselves for allowing all sorts to enter the country unchecked including terrorists, talk about closing the stable door.
Is this a subtle way of letting us know that europol is up and running already. I thought they were supposed to wait until Lisbon was ratified.
A small article appeared on the Irish Mail last October informing us that a new law called The Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Act was passed by govt earlier this year. This law allows, among other things, bank accounts and telephone calls of citizens to be monitored by foreign law enforcement agencies under new laws.
Like the smoking ban this article didnt rouse a whimper from any other newspaper or media pundit.
In my opinion the whole purpose of their open borders was to let all sorts including terrorists into the country under the guise of multiculturism so that they could divide and conquer, thus giving them the power to bring in these laws that give them total control over us.
If we had no open borders there would be no need for all these laws and our new masters would'nt have a job.
When will someone realise that the emperor has no clothes!