Relief aid

Final word (for now) on health fascism and the Nazis. Ronald Harwood (left) is not only an Oscar and Bafta award winning screenwriter, he's also a member of Forest's Supporters Council. Writing for The Free Society website earlier this year, Ronald commented:
"Control is the modern politician’s watchword. It is a form of extremism not much different from any other because extremism produces fanatics and fanatics are a curse on all the peoples of this planet. Communists, fascists and Nazis were also fanatical in their desire to control. Believe me, I do not overstate the case.
"The first national government ever to introduce a ban on smoking was, yes, you’ve guessed, the government of Adolf Hitler. It was the Fuehrer’s man, Dr Fritz Linkint, who ... first came up with the idea of passive smoking (passivrauchen), and on the basis of no evidence at all. Smoking, Dr Linkint said, was masturbation of the lungs.
"And it’s interesting to note that when the founder of the American anti-smoking organisation ASH, the lawyer John Banzhaf, was asked why people shouldn’t be allowed to smoke where they want, he responded by saying, 'Why shouldn’t people be allowed to masturbate where they want?'
"The ideology is pervasive. The Nazis said smoking was a relic of a liberal lifestyle. And so, I suppose, is masturbation, thank God."
Full article HERE.

Reader Comments (8)
I was only just this morning thinking that there seem to be two sorts of people.
Those who want to control what other people do.
And those who don't.
ASH are a load of wankers.
Chas. They are not. They are a bunch of misfits who are too lazy to do an honest job. This government is supposed to crack down on such people but as we all know - they just ignore this idea when it suits the,
ASH…ah yes, isn’t this the same organization that began it’s putrid life somewhere in California – circa 1975?
First, sit down and try not to laugh yourself to death…here is something I found on their US website sometime ago. They will also help you with legal advice should you wish to have your neighbour – who smokes – evicted. Now read on.
‘ASH's Smoking in Condos and Apartments Information
Nonsmokers living in condominiums and apartment buildings who are bothered or made ill by drifting tobacco smoke can now fight back.
Yes, now that people are begining to realize that drifting tobacco smoke can cause lung cancer and heart attacks in nonsmokers, more and more of them are becoming concerned about tobacco smoke in their condos or apartment buildings.
Despite the best modern filtration systems, many of the carcinogenic and other dangerous components of tobacco smoke can be re-circulated through a building's ventilation system and into nonsmokers' apartments. These dangerous chemicals can also seep in above or below an apartment door, through poorly sealed walls, and in many other ways.’
Ha, ha ha ha ha… I’d love to see that!(me)
‘If you can smell it, it could be killing you! And even if you can't smell it, many of these cancer-causing chemicals can never the less be entering your lungs.
Please don't hesitate. Drifting tobacco smoke already kills more people than motor vehicle accidents, all crimes, AIDS, illegal drugs, etc. In other words, you are statistically more likely to be killed by your neighbor's tobacco smoke than by his car, his gun, or his AIDS virus’.
Oh dear…I feel a cardiac arrest coming on!(me again)
Two questions for you.
1. Has no one ever thought of taking these idiots to court about these outrageous statements!
2. What possible scientific test was ever carried out to validate this mindless crap.
By the way …if there’s an R in the Month the number of deaths will double no, wait a minute…er… quadruple! Yeah…that sounds about right – eh?
And just think – these rectum swabs have the ear of supposedly intelligent politicians.
So, there we have it...passive smoking is not enough now.
Drifting smoke - is even better, and remember there will be no safe distance. In other words if I'm smoking my pipe in my flat...I could be killing someone in! what comes next, the galaxy...then the UNIVERSE?!!
Unfortunately, with ASH not being a health advisory body and the tobacco companies being all by de-clawed by the master tobacco settlement means ASH can spout the most outlandish lies possible without fear of reprisal - for the moment.
As far as I am aware, even with the massive curtailment on freedom of speech, (and it is even worse in the USA apparently), this is more to do with cerain words and/or expresions. So, as long as I don't use words like the one beginning with N for example, then I can make a statement. Going on this premise, if ASH USA can say that drifting tobacco smoke creeping under your front door can give you lung cancer, then I can say that second hand semen can make a woman pregnant - well I can can't I?
I posted this comment in the "Happy Halloween" comments but I thought it might stand more chance of being read if I posted it here too:-
I have only just been able to do this as I have been travelling all over the country this week. When travelling we listed to Gold radio (used to be Capital Gold). My husband and I have become sick to death of hearing the government's latest tacky anti smoking advertising campaign so I made a mental note to do something about it rather than just moan every time I heard it.
I have posted the following complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority and I quote:
I am complaining about the Governments new anti smoking radio advertising campaign in its inappropriate use of children to blackmail people into giving up smoking. The advertisement uses a child's voice, who says she is not scared of spiders (amongst a list of other things she is not scared of) but she is scared her mother will die because she smokes. This advertisement is an abuse of children by using them as pawns in such a campaign and misleading by the implication that all mother's will die if they smoke (which is not the case). It could cause children nightmares about losing their mothers. This is tantamount to hypocricy by a Government, that sets itself up to care about the welfare of young children, by using them to do their dirty work for them. All advertisements of an emotionally blackmailing nature should be stopped forthwith.
I would encourage as many members of FOREST to do the same. Their website is easy to navigate:
Go to "contact us" and you can register your complaint on line.
If enough complain along similar lines hopefully they will ban this kind of campaign in the future.