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Zzzzzzzzz .....

Thank God, the 2008 conference season is finally over. Having spent much of the last three weeks in Bournemouth, Manchester and now Birmingham (where the earliest I got to bed was 2.00am), I am dead on my feet and looking forward to a long, long sleep.

As it happens, I slept through most of Cameron's speech this afternoon, but I'm sure I would have fallen asleep anyway. It wasn't exactly riveting or inspiring. Was I dreaming when he said, "I am a Conservative, not a libertarian"? Probably not. He wasn't telling us anything we didn't already know. The interesting thing is that he felt the need to spell it out.

PS. When I get a moment, I'll post a report about The Freedom Zone.

Reader Comments (5)

What IS Cameron doing in that ridiculous photograph ?

Archery practice...................?

October 1, 2008 at 22:48 | Unregistered CommenterMartin V

Simon, I'm sure we can gloss over Monday night, Tuesday morning, no sympathy from me, snigger. I will post in more detail on the match report. But I can assure the readers that Simon (no polite Shift number keys here) worked his tits off to make this a success.

October 2, 2008 at 0:09 | Unregistered CommenterDave Atherton

Simon, I think you must have been dreaming both through David's speech, and whilst doing your write-up on it.

Wasn't exactly riveting or inspiring? What would you have liked him to do, bring on his wife to do a song and dance act? Or maybe you prefer Gordon Brown's stance, where he, as the man that got us into this disastrous mess, (Remember Gordon's gold sell off?), now had the audacity to say that he is best placed to get us out of it? We've had eleven bloody years of Brown and his team of morons, and all he's done so far is get us deeper and deeper into the quagmire we now find ourselves in.

Personally, I thought Mr Cameron's performance was awe inspiring, no dramatics, no silly promises that cannot be kept, no centre of the road policies, just honest, down to earth Conservatism.

If stark contradiction to the cumbersome old Gordon Brown, with his ridiculous false smile, and his "stupid boy" foreign secretary, Mr Miliband, and the rest of his cabinet, who do not have a workable policy between them.

But there again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what they are looking for in politics. Me, I'm just looking for honesty and openness, and I found it yesterday in David Cameron's speech.

October 2, 2008 at 11:01 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Thurgood

"Or maybe you prefer Gordon Brown's stance, where he, as the man that got us into this disastrous mess, (Remember Gordon's gold sell off?), now had the audacity to say that he is best placed to get us out of it?"

Peter, a genuine question here. I was under the impression that Gordon Brown was an excellent Chancellor, eg, our interest rate is still 5%, unlike 15% on 'black Wednesday' at the peak of Thatcherism. That is however only an impression, I don't know the facts.
I think I should add that I also think that he is fighting for top place as the worst PM we have ever had!

October 3, 2008 at 23:54 | Unregistered Commentertimbone

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