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Forest - 1.3 million visitors in 2007

I have just received the latest stats for the Forest website. I won't bore you with every detail. However, I can reveal that in 2007 the site attracted over one million visitors (1,316,179 to be exact).

As you would expect, the largest number of visitors was in July, following the introduction of the smoking ban in England. Monday July 2 saw a record number of visitors on a single day - over 11,000.

The total number of hits (not to be confused with visitors) in 2007 was 218 million. (No, I don't know what "hits" are either. All I know is that some people mean "visitors" when they say "hits" and deliberately quote the number of hits to mislead people about the number of visitors.)

The average number of visitors per month since the site was launched in March 2003 is 78,854. In our first month we attracted 800 visitors a day. Today, on average, that figure is 4,000 or more.

Forest publications continue to prove popular. The Smoking Issue by Joe Jackson, first published in 2004, was downloaded 17,115 times in 2007. Prejudice & Propaganda: The Truth About Passive Smoking (published in 2005) was downloaded 12,059 times. The previous year (2006), The Smoking Issue was downloaded 12,977 times, Prejudice & Propaganda 11,907.

Smoke, Lies and the Nanny State, an update of The Smoking Issue published in May 2007, has been downloaded 10,433 times to date.

Repeat visitors account for 98.4 per cent of the traffic, so our task in 2008 is to broaden our appeal and attract - and keep - new visitors. The new Free Society site (coming soon) will play an important role. In the meantime, if you wish to demonstrate your support for our work, please register your name and email address HERE.

Reader Comments (1)

Yes Simon, and I have visited at least 1million times!

Happy New Year - Chris.

January 7, 2008 at 22:45 | Unregistered CommenterChris F J Cyrnik

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