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Caffeine, Clooney and me

Nespresso_250.jpg I don't smoke but I do have an addiction. I'm addicted to caffeine. And newspapers. Coffee and newspapers. The two go together like Bill and Ben. Or Starsky and Hutch.

Fuelling my addiction, I was given a Nespresso coffee machine (left) for Christmas and I can honestly say it's one of the best presents I have ever had. It's not just the ease with which I can have coffee on tap, I am now a fully signed up member of the Nespresso Club, and you have no idea how much pleasure that brings.

Yesterday I took delivery of £200 worth of coffee capsules, ordered online and delivered (within two days) to my door. There are numerous blends to choose from (which is part of the fun) and I am gradually trying them all (which is even more fun). Some I have rejected (too weak for my taste), others I have ordered again (and again).

Current favourite is Arpeggio (which sounds like a character from The Aristocats). It comes in an attractive purple capsule and is rated 9/10 for strength. (If it's late at night, and I don't want my hands shaking uncontrollably into the early hours, I'll select Decaffeinato Intenso, but in general I prefer the real, caffeinated, deal.)

The Nespresso website - which features a short film starring "brand hero" George Clooney - is a triumph of feelgood marketing. Play it with the volume up and it's almost pornographic. "Rich, sensual, intense, unique ... The hero, of course, is Nespresso ... What else?"

According to its Wikipedia entry, "Criticisms have been raised regarding the ecological implications of Nespresso and the freedom it gives the consumer over their coffee". What a load of tosh. The Magimix Nespresso M200 makes perfect coffee time after time. Buy one today!

Reader Comments (3)

Have I mised something here?

July 29, 2007 at 9:58 | Unregistered CommenterRichard of Cornwall

Perhaps Simon is encouraging us to buy one today, because...

..they'll be banned tomorrow!

July 29, 2007 at 19:33 | Unregistered CommenterTony

...and this is to do with our liberties... how, exactly?

July 30, 2007 at 14:38 | Unregistered CommenterGerry H

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