Care to comment?

It's two weeks since we launched this blog and I'd like to thank those who have taken the time and trouble to post a comment. Compared to the Forest website, which attracts almost 3,000 visitors a day, traffic has been relatively slow but I am sure that will improve, especially when the blog is combined with The Free Society website when it goes live next month.
In the meantime I am delighted that, to date, almost every comment has been thoughtful and considered. What we are trying to do is create a lively forum that will develop into a platform for those with libertarian beliefs who find themselves disenfranchised or unrepresented in the current political climate. At the same time we want to encourage serious debate (and a few laughs) so feel free to take issue with me or your fellow posters.
This is a long-term project. I hope that, in time, we can create an extended family with 'relatives' and friends throughout the UK and beyond. If you care to comment on any of the issues raised here, please do so. The sooner we can spark intelligent debate, the sooner people will sit up, take notice, and enable The Free Society to achieve its objectives.

Reader Comments (6)
This could become a great blog. There are many more like this needed for the UK.
Just one thing. I have sent at least two emails from the contact page but had no replies. It could be you didn't like what I said but maybe the script isn't working quite as it should.
Sorry, Bernie, you're not alone! To those people who have emailed me direct (rather than posted a comment on the blog), I will reply very shortly.
Hi all, from Spain, Smokers for Tolerance Club were thinking about a free oppinion blog like this we have just found. Congratulations. We will link you in ours. Now, we have very little done but it is already in the web... You can visit it in
Regards from Spain
Javier Blanco-Urgoiti
Best of luck with the new site FOREST! :)
The reports of the suffering of Scot and Irish pubs should make the Welsh and English very very scared. The Welsh government ignored very significant input (See the "Critique" near the top of my website below) in putting their ban through, and the English did the same. If the pubs have any sense they'll get together and simply refuse to abide by the ban: civil resistance has a long history of success in other areas, and just recently the EuroBan in their own buildings had to be dropped after just 43 days due to resistance led by MEP Nigel Farage.
Michael J. McFadden
Author of "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"
Keep up the good work. I think one of the key differences between a blog like this and the plethora of ant-this-or-that blogs out there is the ability for people to add their own comments and hopefully get a real discussion going.
Anti's seem to be perpetually set on "transmit" and not open to recieving any opinion that differs from their own.
Lets have more pro-freedom sites and blogs and campaigns, because without the future looks very dark indeed.
Well done everyone please keep up the good work I am sick of being told NO you cant do this or that . Come Juy1st I think that there will be a huge revolt.Many pubs will simply close down staff will be laid of not only this there will be more tension etc in the streets