Anti-smoking - it's a growth industry

A little bird tells me that ASH Scotland is currently the subject of an independent review – standard practice, apparently, for voluntary organisations receiving more than £100k pa of taxpayers' money from the Scottish
Executive Government.
As it happens, ASH Scotland receive far more than £100k a year from the public purse. Total funds (from the Executive) for the six years from 1999-2005 came to £1,720,000. During this time, funding rose from £188k to £384k per annum.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. In August 2007, announcing the forthcoming retirement of chief executive Maureen Moore, a press release boasted that Moore "has built ASH Scotland from a small organisation of six to a professional organisation with a full-time staff of 27".
Twenty-seven! How the hell can they afford 27 full-time staff? Further investigation reveals an organisation with more job titles than is strictly decent. They include:
Alliances Administrator, Alliances Manager, Training & Development Administrator, Training & Development Manager, Director of Projects & Services Development, Director of Business, Director of Information & Communications, Projects Officer, Youth Development Officer, Strategy Development Manager (Inequalities), Development Officer (Inequalities), Senior Policy & Research Officer, Information Officer, Research & Evaluation Officer, Communications Officer, Senior Training & Development Officer (x2), Regional Training Officer (x4).
What, precisely, do these people do all day?! If I was an MSP I would want to be told. Needless to say, I'm not holding my breath. Full organisational chart HERE.
Reader Comments (7)
Do we know how much tax payers money is recievedby ASH england and if so would I be in my rights to deduct my percentage from my tax returns at the end of the year?
The devil makes work for idle hands. Presumably, holders of these sinecures were educated at public expense, so that they could make people's lives hell.
I find it amusing that ASH has "inequalities" officers given that the biased organisation supports discrimination against smokers at every turn.... oh, that's right .. I forgot .. smokers are the only people in this country who have no rights at all. .. and isn't that down to the likes of ASH and the fearmongering it's members have spread over several decades which has led to prejudice and now finally discrimination against one particular group in society.
Now I get it, ASH's inequalities officers probably have a remit to make sure that smokers are treated less equally than anyone else. Didn't they do well!
ASH, I'm sure they are an unbiased group, after all there are two sides to be considered.
It's not a dictatorship yet, Yes I'm convinced we all have a say and this group (being funded and all) will have to include a place for smokers in our country.
No no don't laugh, they can't be that bloody minded.
What's that about people with mental problems being forced to give up smoking? no not in our country, it would be cruel and heartless.
Hi Simon: Maybe you’re not holding your breath because of the fags. Try giving up smoking and you might be able to hold your breath – just a thought.
How much of that funding is paid as salaries. I think getting on an 'It's bad for us' bandwagon is great for the personal bank account.
Like Charities great for a good personal lifestyle.
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