Breakfast with Wozza
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Look out for Forest patron Antony Worrall Thompson on BBC Breakfast (BBC1) tomorrow morning. He's due on the sofa at 7.40 and 8.40. Subject: the smoking ban six months on. The antis will of course declare the ban to have been a great "success" - high compliance rate and improved health all round. AWT will, I'm sure, be as feisty as ever in his response.
in TV and Radio
Reader Comments (2)
I did watch the programme and thought that AWT was fairly 'passive'. I did however like the last two comments. The spokeswoman for Cancer Research said that there would be a review about the health and economics of the ban and AWT said that he hoped that it would be an honest one.
Chas - as my late husband used to say, live in hope, it is cheaper than living in a house!