It's that time of year again

This morning I took a call from Dan Sheldon, assistant producer, Big Brother. Endemol, the production company, is currently in the middle of auditions for new housemates for the next series.
"We're hoping to cast the net far and wide so that housemates represent a broad spectrum of beliefs, interests and groups. It would be great if you could pass on the audition details to as many of your supporters as possible in case they want to come along and audition."
Venues, dates and times can be found on the Big Brother website (click HERE). They include Glasgow (Sat & Sun 5/6 Jan), Newcastle (Sat & Sun 12/13 Jan) and London (Sat & Sun 19/20 Jan).
"If anyone is interested in applying," said Dan, "they can email BB directly with their details which means they could avoid all the queues at the venues." The address is
Note: in the unlikely event that you get selected, Forest reserves the right to disown or deny any knowledge of you whatsoever. I'm not joking.

Reader Comments (2)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read somewhere that the BB9 stalag is to be non-smoking. Could be of limited appeal to our lot... :)
BTW, got my CD this AM. Thanks a lot and Merry Xmas...
Mark, of course the house has to be non-smoking, because it is a public place (or I bet they'll interpret it as a public place, despite the fact that it is people's home, at least for a short while), but they can't stop people smoking outside.