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National treasures

STD-cover-100%20copy.jpgReviewing Scared To Death - the book we are celebrating with a special Forest event in London next week - Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens yesterday paid a remarkable tribute to the authors. Describing Christopher Booker and his colleague, Richard North, as "courageous opponents of scares", Hitchens added:

They ought to be national treasures ...  they are relentlessly unfashionable. Their unwillingness to run with the pack makes them sceptical of conventional wisdom and sets them apart from mainstream journalism, which is unsettled by their diligence and their originality.

And then - like all sceptics - they are sometimes embarrassing even to their friends. They will insist on checking the facts of the matter ... Every politician, every journalist, every consumer of journalism should read, mark, learn and inwardly digest it.

See also the Daily Telegraph's review HERE.

Reader Comments (2)

And speaking of scares.....have a look at what Mike Siegel has to say about the Scottish Heart Attack Miracle....

Most of us with common sense denounced this "study" for what it was, but its good to see a dedicated anti-smoker give it its rightful name: garbage.

November 19, 2007 at 12:36 | Unregistered CommenterColin Grainger

Scared to death. This book in itself is scary. We knew the government were devious (well, I say devious - that would assume that they always know what they're doing and they just don't). The level of incompetence highlighted in this book is astounding. This is an excellent book but every time I pick it up I'm angry! I don't know which is worse really - the obvious incompetence of the government or the stupidity of the British people for putting up with it. The rest of the world laughs at Britain. I was in the USA a couple of months ago and everywhere we went people were asking "What's wrong with you all in Britain". They've got their own problems of course but they don't seem to be as "Sheep -like" as we are here. You must read "Scared to Death" it confirms what you always thought but brings in the detail that you'd never considered.

November 21, 2007 at 9:06 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

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