Why everyone should watch Top Gear

Commenting on the return of Top Gear (BBC2, Sundays, 8.00pm), TV critic Stephen Pile writes, in today's Telegraph:
"Above all, [Top Gear] is a study of the masculine principle that is everywhere else avoided on TV, but the programme has a second and equally important atavistic function. In return for creature comforts, lifestyle opportunities and a golfing bolthole in Bulgaria, the newly spineless British have lost their freeborn yeoman virtues and tamely accepted CCTV cameras, health and safety regulations, armed riot police on the streets when there is no prospect of a riot, political correctness, spin, jumped-up cooks on TV and a nanny state. Top Gear is a belated reminder of lost Anglo-Saxon strengths, certainties and freedoms ..."
Not to be missed.

Reader Comments (3)
I agree completely with this article. I have not the slightest interest in cars at all, but I often watch Top Gear just for the pure fun of it. They are irreverent, funny and completely barmy a lot of the time! It's so refreshing. They call a spade a spade, and don't fanny about with the mealy-mouthed language of the 21st century. They're the sort of people you'd like to go to a party with! (And their complete lack of political correctness - oh! what a joy!)
I'm surprised that there are people who don't watch Top Gear. In an increasingly insane (and insanely regulated), inane world of media-projected piety to the political Holy Trinity of Health, Climate and Legislation - Top Gear's all we've got left!
I love Top Gear's refusal to bow to the PC brigade. Last night's show made this blog post even more topical, they lit up and smoked pipes (made by Porsche) on last night's show :o) Great going guys, wait for the complaints to flood in to the BBC... I wonder if there'll be any fines...?