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Protest and survive - the sequel

Glastonbury_100.jpg Paul Toole and Chris Elliot, who masterminded protest marches against the smoking ban in Wells and Glastonbury in the summer, are organising a third rally - in Bristol on Saturday October 20th.

Marchers are invited meet outside La Tasa Restaurant, 1 Clifton Heights, Bristol BS8 1EJ at 1.30pm. The march itself begins at two, ending up at College Green, outside the Council building. For full details call Paul and Chris on 01749 672747, 07885 437854 or 07722 852224. Report HERE.

If the event is a success, the pair hope to organise further marches in other cities, the long-term goal being a large-scale rally in London itself. 

Reader Comments (3)

I can't get to Bristol (I live in Yorkshire) but the more we can show there is support for protests the better.

Is there any way I and any others unable to join in can at least contribute to help with the background costs - printing of flyers for example?

October 10, 2007 at 17:28 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

I've had so many messages of support from well wishers for this being our 3rd protest march against this awful draconian law.

I'm sure most of you have had emails from Forest publising this event.
Forest have been a wonderful help to Chris & Myself, and as you may have read they are interested in providing transportaion to and from Central London.
They need to know by Friday 12th October at the latest.

Can i take this opportunity to urge as many of you as possible to try and attend this important march.

Our two previous marches were a success, but Bristol being a larger city, needs to be nothing more than a triumph.
Those of you that needs transportation or advice, please do contact Forest directly.
The clock is ticking away, and so are some of our Civil Liberties.


October 11, 2007 at 0:50 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Toole

we should be like spain it's up to the owner if they can smoke or not red no blue yes so why can we not do that

October 13, 2007 at 16:14 | Unregistered Commenterg.merrifield

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