Satisfied customer

Further to my piece about Hawke and Hunter in Edinburgh (HERE), Joseph K has posted this comment:
Just paid a visit last night after your recommendation, surely the finest outdoor/indoor smoking area I've seen so far.
Take a trip back in time, sit at the bar, fag in one hand drink in the other, I asked the barman if he was bothered by the amoke and he replied it was adaquately ventilated for him and he was also an ex-smoker.
I was the oldest fogey there (41), as the place was teeming with folk in their 20's happily fagging away and not giving a shit about so-called ETS/SMS.
Come summer when the canopy comes back will be standing room only, oh and yes the indoor bars are very cool as well. Nice to see someone make an effort for us pariahs.
That's the sort of comment that makes this blog worthwhile.

London Lite yesterday recommended three smoker-friendly venues in the capital. The Flask in Highgate where a "huge heated courtyard" hosts barbecues throughout the summer, Shoreditch House (Ebor Street, E1) where you can "smoke while you swim" on the roof, and Maddox Club (Mill Street, W1), where the "new outdoor courtyard means smokers can puff under the stars without losing their place at the bar". Note: Shoreditch House and Maddox Club are members only.